
Germán A. Arias wrote:
This is odd, because if plparse works this mean that gnustep works. Have
you tried re build an app from source? Maybe the recompilation of the
applications solve the problem. Try with SystemPreferences [1]. Copy
this to your user directory created by the shell (if your user name is
james it should be C:/GNUstep/msys/1.0/home/james). Then launch the
shell and type:

that is exactly what I thought too! However you imply "home/james" exist...
On my installation it is not inside msys/1.0, but I have an older msys layout and only updated gnustep on it.

You can also uninstall ProjectCenter and Gorm and compile them from sources. Uninstall first, so that you don't end with duplicate libraries of frameworks, since I don't know if we are going just to overwrite them.

copy them "in your msys home" which I hope is what German says is.

You need to unpack the sources first: I suggest toing that inside the shell, not in windows.

E.g. get:

then do:
tar xzvf ProjectCenter-0.6.2.tar.gz (extract from file, uncompress too and also dump prgress on console)

cd ProjectCenter-0.6.2
make && make install

make_services (please note underscore, this is not a make command, it just rebuilds the app database and document type associations, can be run everytime everywhere)

then just typing ProjectCenter should be enough
openapp ProjectCenter should to too

if that goes fine, you are set and can continue that way


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