>I would very much like to see our interface changed
>to something everyone can be in love with. 

Nobody disagrees ... Once we have that, let's change.

Anecdotal evidence is great to tell us that many people hate the UI, but is 
useless in telling us what a new UI should be, and concentrating on complaints 
about individual UI elements is actively harmful ... A beautiful new UI needs a 
designer with vision to produce something strong and consistent and functional.

Riccardo is right that the behavior of our default menus is NEWer than that of 
the ones currently used by mainstream interfaces, so anyone complaining that 
they are old obviously has trouble expressing themselves (or possibly 
understanding what it actually is that they don't like) ... We should ignore 
such comments about individual features, and instead provide a few well 
designed themes, and see what find favour.

I have always tried to do what I can to help people working on such themes, and 
I believe our theme support is now fairly good and will improve as people 
produce/use particular interfaces/themes.

A PiOS distribution will be a great thing for GNUstep as a test for smoothly 
integrated UI on a single reference platform.  That will be a great starting 
point for a more general Debian based reference system with which we can 
showcase different themes.

I'm therefore willing to offer to help the Pi development any way I can, and I 
encourage other developers to help solve/fix any problems with it too.

Sorry if that sounds a bit weak considering that I'm travelling for the next 
few weeks, but from mid/late December I will be home and able to code again.
Sent from my android device.
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