Le 31 juillet, 18:12:30 Ivan Vučica a écrit :
> On Mon, Jul 31, 2017 at 6:05 PM, Xavier Brochard <xav...@alternatif.org>
> wrote:
> > Le 31 juillet, 18:46:22 Fred Kiefer a écrit :
> > > That just shows the main issue we have. People, even the one interested
> > 
> > in
> > 
> > > GNUstep, are not aware of what is already there.
> > 
> > That's why a little how-to is necessary!
> > It would start with
> > For a good experience try with
> > - freeBSD
> > - Fedora
> > - SuSE
> > - forget Debian and derivative
> > 
> > Install this
> > Configure this and this
> > etc.
> Side note: We seem to be having another potential centithread about 'what
> needs to be done', 'why is GNUstep not used more' and 'what is the right
> thing for people to use'.
> Before the whole thing escalates, posters, please consider to which level
> is discussing this useful, and at which level we risk entering the
> territory of 'this discussion is damaging'. Remember: we've had these
> situations before, with key contributors bailing out.
> Also, consider: depending on your point of view, this thread may or may not
> have went slightly offtopic. Are we still discussing the Live CD posting on
> OSNews? Perhaps, but it's not clear to me. :)

You are right. Subject changed!

Now, people who wants to help me to write a little how-to about a very simple 
Desktop using GNUstep apps, libs and themes, please contribute here.
If you disagree, please remember that this is only a private and personal 
project that will be made public. No need to discuss against my idea.

Is that sounds ok for everyone ?


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