Andreas Fink wrote:
> Failed test:     (2023-01-09 08:48:49.174 +0100)     general.m:37 ... 
> -classNamed returns the correct class
> Failed test:     (2023-01-09 08:48:49.175 +0100)   general.m:61 ... 
> -principalClass returns TestClass for +bundleForClass:[TestClass class]

Usually this is an indication that you have an older gnustep-base
version installed; some NSBundle tests are doomed to fail in this
case.  Try building in a clean environment.

> Failed set:        basic.m:9 ... problem in TLS support.

Missing gnutls-bin package?  Current code invokes certtool under the
hood for generation of self-signed certificates when necessary.

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