> On 2/9/2004 11:45 AM Swerve noted that:
> > I presume that this new policy will prevent registrars from blocking
> > legitimate transfers?
> >
> > Is this correct?
> >
> Let me put it another way - a registrar that is operating in
> compliance with this policy will not block legitimate transfers.
> A registrar not complying with this policy may choose to block
> legitimate transfers in which case Tucows may exercise its option to
> proceed to an administrative panel for resolution of the situation.

sounds expensive.

Joe Baptista: USG Portal www.joebaptista.com, Personal www.baptista.god
Chief Internet Scientist,  / System Administrator to .GOD and .SATAN
TTF-Bucksfan  www.gov.ttf / www.nic.god, www.nic.satan or www.dot-god.com

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