If you find the RWI2 to be a bit awkward, I posted a commandline interface
in http://www.opensrs.org/archives/dev-list/0406/0007.html might be of
some help. it's certainly not polished, but until the OpenSRS folks
publish a better starting point (supposed to be soon), it works... and
from code that works you can build whatever you want. Note that some
versions (maybe all versions?)  of the OpenSRS client code overwrite the
TPP version of the request with their own. The OpenSRS recommended
solution was to update the version in lib/OpenSRS/TPP_Client.pm


#$VERSION = "TPP:0.1.0";
$VERSION = "TPP:0.1.4";

The -q flag will tell you what domains you have provisioned and give you
their inventory numbers... which is core to doing anything else... the -i
flag and a list of inventory numbers will actually dump the configured
mailboxes for the given domains/inventory #s.... the -P and -D flags turn
on and off (provision and delete) service for a domain, the -A and -R
flags add and remove mailboxes... everything except the -P and -q flags 
requires the inventory number. 

The code is quite rough, but it does the job well enough to get started
with. It should be as readable as perl with these horrible deep structures
can be. FYI, when provisioning domains, the first mailbox is setup as the 
domain_admin with a fixed password (6yBLKe in the posted code) all others 
are end_users without passwords)

anyhow, there it is, it works, flames to /dev/null.


On Fri, 9 Jul 2004, Michael J Masin wrote:

> Use the RWI2, find the service sold ID and use the Remove Users/Features
> link.
> m2
> -----Original Message-----
> On Behalf Of JB
> Sent: Friday, July 09, 2004 4:03 PM
> To: 'discuss-list'
> Subject: howto delete email address from email defense?
> How do you delete a email account from the email defense service for a 
> domain? I could not find anything under the user tab in the portal 
> control panel.
> ~jb

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