On Sun, 1 Aug 2004, Mark Hutchings wrote:

> When I run a whois for a domain that a customer has purchased through
> us, it is showing the IP for nameservers that has been changed a long
> time ago.  The domain (that is running the name servers) is through
> GoDaddy (big mistake) and the IP information was changed through there
> several months ago.  When I run a whois on the name server, it shows the
> right IP address.  But when I run a whois on any domain thats been
> registered through us before the IP addresses were changed, those
> domains show the old IP address on the name servers.  How can I get all
> these domains to see the correct IP address of the name servers?
> On a side note, when we transfer the domain to OpenSRS, will all the
> name server information transfer with it, of will I have to readd the
> name servers through OpenSRS?

Nameserver host (glue) records are maintained at the registry level.  What
does the registry say the IP addresses are?

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