To: "Nick Wilsdon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: <>
Sent: Monday, January 10, 2005 5:27 PM
Subject: Re: Domain Registry of America
On Jan 10, 2005, at 4:57 AM, Nick Wilsdon wrote:
Hi all,
I have one client who (as they do) completely forgot that they had bought their domain through us and then subsequently paid the 'this looks like an invoice' letter from the DRoA.
He is now very upset that the domain has been 'hijacked' - is there anything he/I can do? I assume the cheque has been cashed.
As it concerns DROA:
1. Create DNS records for all their domains and point them to a page like this:
You have accused them of scamming.
The legal advice I got was that they were doing nothing illegal at all.
You are accusing them of criminal activity and by doing so
you are opening yourself up to possible litigation (assuming thats your web page).
I don;t like what they do, but I am satisfied that it is not illegal.
It may well come under the category "sharp practice" but that's business for you.
I would be very careful about making and statements about DROA in public givien their history of litigation.
See my page for a more "accurate" explanation for customers: (this was passed by our lawyers).
Gordon Hudson Ltd