
"I told you so" comes to mind -- VeriSign's greed has no bound, and
isn't limited to WLS. For those who've not had time to read through the
VeriSign dot-net application:


buried near the end one can find the following:

"VeriSign is now working with Bruce Tonkin, one of the Registrar
Constituency's representatives to the GNSO Council, to facilitate the
process of developing a solution for an industry-wide com/net deleted
names handling process, which facilitates an open auction during the
pending delete period.

In January 2005, VeriSign will begin surveying end users in the
Internet community to get input on various types of auction house
solutions and price sensitivity for deleted name auctions. VeriSign
anticipates providing the feedback received from end users, along with
a revised deleted names proposed auction model in February 2005. The
proposed model will be further vetted with registrars and other
stakeholders to ensure that it adequately addresses the needs of
registrars, registrants, and other impacted parties."

I wonder if they'll be using the same survey company that showed
"everyone loved SiteFinder"??


George Kirikos

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