Rob Hasselbaum wrote:
> Can anyone recommend a company that offers very basic web hosting
> for a home business at no cost?

Not what I'd call basic, but it is limited: Amazon EC2 Micro Instance,
which is free for one year.

Whether that's practical for a one-page static HTML site will largely
depend on whether Amazon (or Ubuntu, which partners with Amazon and
provides OS images) provides a turn-key OS image that doesn't require
much setup.

And then there's the one year limit...if it wasn't for that, there's a
bunch of things a "Micro Instance" could be useful for: inbound spam
filter, outbound mail relay (though I hear EC2 IPs end up in block lists
a lot), remote network monitoring, custom DNS, etc...


Tom Metro
Venture Logic, Newton, MA, USA
"Enterprise solutions through open source."
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