On Feb 27, 2011, at 7:41 AM, Jerry Feldman wrote:
> Why do you say the Kindle is a better reader. Two advantages the Kindle
> has over the Color Nook is that it uses E Ink that allows it to be
> readable in bright sunlight, and since it is not backlit the battery
> lasts longer.

E Ink is a superior technology for sitting down and reading.  Self-illuminated 
displays cause eye strain over time, and reading in the dark using them as the 
sole source of illumination just makes it worse.  The Kindle units are lighter 
than NOOKcolor which also helps out for just reading.

None of NOOKcolor's features that you list make it better than Kindle for 
reading books.  They may be better for other kinds of reading, for example 
skimming through PDF manuals or showing picture books to young children (which 
is one of NOOKcolor's target markets).

> body. Richard, could you try that with your Froyo-based Nook using the
> web-based gmail.

The web-based Gmail client works fine for me.  I'm not running Froyo on mine, 
just the modified Eclair.  I've already removed Nookie from my SD card.

--Rich P.

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