On 04/11/2011 10:48 PM, Bill Horne wrote:
> On 4/11/2011 9:36 PM, Chris O'Connell wrote:
>> This level of customer service isn't really acceptable.  Also, I
>> should have
>> more control over my files.  Who ever heard of a solution that
>> requires you
>> to delete your account?!?
> One of my all-time-favorite Dilbert cartoons is appropriate here:
> http://dilbert.com/strips/comic/1995-09-02/
Love it. When I worked for Burger King back in the early 70s, they
discovered that a computer operator had mounted the wrong tape 5 years
earlier, and they had to restate their taxes and financials going back 5
years. While I was hired primarily as a DEC PDP-8 assembler programmer,
they were a COBOL shop, but my boss saw that I had some BASIC in my
background so I got tapped for writing some BASIC on GE Timesharing to
get data for accounting.

Jerry Feldman <g...@blu.org>
Boston Linux and Unix
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