On Sun, Sep 18, 2011 at 02:12:09PM -0400, Rajiv Aaron Manglani wrote:
> On Sun, 18 Sep 2011, Daniel Feenberg wrote:
> >dual-core processor. I know that dual-core is now usually very
> >low-end (or laptop) but creative suggestions are welcome. Ideally
> >we would like PCI-e
> buy a quad core machine and turn off two cores in the bios.

Buy a whatever and turn off all but two cores on the kernel command


You want an Intel LGA1366 chip with an X58 chipset; 32 PCIe lanes are
available.  (If you were asking this question 1Q2012, the LGA2011 would
become preferable -- 40 lanes of PCIe v3.)

For I/O, you might want to look at an on-PCIe SSD, like the FusionIo
cards. Expensive, yes -- but compared to the SAS license, probably not
so bad. And the performance is amazing, if you can fit your
current dataset.


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