> From: discuss-bounces+blu=nedharvey....@blu.org [mailto:discuss-
> bounces+blu=nedharvey....@blu.org] On Behalf Of Matthew Gillen
> Would it be out of the question performance-wise to just get a good
> modern quad-core, and run SAS in a single-core bare-bones VM?  I haven't
> done any benchmarking of disk-IO intensive loads within VMs, so I don't
> really know what the overhead is (everyone seems to care much more about
> the CPU-usage overhead).

Provided that it's VMWare ESX, and you have hardware virtualization
technologies enabled, and you install vmware-tools on your guest, then there
is no measurable performance degradation either in terms of CPU or disk.

The same is probably true for other hypervisors, but ESX is the one I can
speak on.

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