On 12/16/2011 10:39 AM, Rich Braun wrote:
You wrote:
Justify your existence

Over the years, I've learned that the answer to this question is:  you can't.

If someone asks it in those words or similar, then if they had their druthers
they'd call Amazon EC2 or some place in Bangalore and say, "I'll have two of
those, how much do they cost?" just before shutting you and everyone you care
about down.

Even if the answer from India is "more than you thought you'd have to pay",
they'd still rather send the money outside the firm.  Because that way they
have someone else to blame when things go awry.

I pity the corporate culture where this happens. Because at the end of the day, customers and investors alike don't give a crap if you have a good excuse, they want results. A company that tolerates managers with the attitude you describe is one that is broken and likely headed down hill...

Someone whose primary goal is blame avoidance is someone I would run away from as fast as I could. They aren't going to go anywhere, and if they somehow do manage to climb the corporate ladder in spite of their pile of failures, it won't be in a way that will be in any way beneficial to you (i.e., you're likely the one he threw under the bus to get himself a promotion).

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