On 2/10/2012 10:54 AM, john saylor wrote:
further, just like with one ring, "one desktop to rule them all" is
going to be evil. we [users] are not all the same, so we are not all
going to want the same desktop.

See... this statement is what distinguishes the "technical elite" from the "common masses". The common masses do want the same desktop. They don't want too many choices. The egos of the various desktop project cores apparently refuse to acknowledge these facts and the result is the mess of inconsistency and incompatibility that I described.

The Linux desktop is at least 16 years old (I'm counting from the Caldera Network Desktop) and they still haven't gotten it right. At this rate I don't think they ever will.

We do agree on one point: I do want the Macintosh desktop. It really is the best Unix desktop. Period.

Rich P.
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