On 03/18/2012 12:02 PM, Richard Pieri wrote:
> What you will typically find is that if your threads are CPU bound then you 
> will see better performance over the long term with HT disabled.  The reason 
> is that the phantom CPUs that HT provides need to share cache and memory 
> bandwidth and there is some extra switching overhead.  The upshot is that if 
> you have 1 CPU with 2 HT threads and 4 CPU-bound jobs to run, the total time 
> to run all 4 jobs will be less with HT disabled.  As an aside for anyone 
> running a Condor pool, disabling HT is recommended for this reason.
> On the other hand, if you are not CPU-bound across all of your threads, or in 
> environments where concurrency is more important than throughput, then HT may 
> be a win.
> AMD's Bulldozer architecture has less resource contention than Intel's HT 
> implementations (less overhead) but two threads on 1 core still have to share 
> some resources and you will usually see results similar to what I described.
In Toronto they always turn off HT. I ran a quick test and found that
the RiskWatch application runs better with no HT. There is certainly
some benefit to HT under some circumstances.

Jerry Feldman <g...@blu.org>
Boston Linux and Unix
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