I wouldn't touch EXT[N] for anything but a system partition.

XFS or JFS is almost a coin toss, but XFS seems like it is more active.

> Hi,
> First of all, thanks for your previous tips on the Linux box, it was very
> much appreciated.  I'm reading the different filesystems, when would you
> use XFS or JFS or ext4.  If I'm correct currently Linux uses ext4, am i
> right?  From the reading both XFS and JFS look like a great choice.
> Thanks,
> Aldo
> XFS This is a 64-bit, high-performance journaling
>    filesystem that provides fast recovery and can
>     handle large files efficiently.
> JFS This is a 64-bit journaling filesystem that is fast
>      and reliable. It is better equipped to handle power
>     failures and system crashes.
> ext4 The newest default filesystem for Linux distribu-
>       tions. It is backwards-compatible with the ext2 and
>      ext3 filesystems. Among ext4’s improvements over
>         ext3 are journaling, support of volumes of up to
>        one exbibyte (EiB) and files up to 16 tebibytes
>         (TiB) in size.
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