> From: discuss-bounces+blu=nedharvey....@blu.org [mailto:discuss-
> bounces+blu=nedharvey....@blu.org] On Behalf Of Tom Metro
> Richard Pieri wrote:
> > ...ext4...is...a poor choice. ext4 is unstable, it's buggy...

LOL.   ;-) 
ext4 is the most stable and least buggy option available to you.  That's why it 
is the default for all distributions.  Unless you want to suggest that every 
distribution maintainer is a bumbling group of fools.

Other filesystems are good in their own way, but ext4 is currently "the 
standard."  You should only go to another filesystem, for now, if it has some 
characteristic you care about that ext4 doesn't offer.  For me, this generally 
means snapshotting.  I evaluated btrfs about 2 years ago with poor success, but 
I am guessing it's probably good by now.
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