On 2/11/2015 8:22 PM, Eric Chadbourne wrote:
I’ve been using a mac mini for the last few months and I must say the
hardware is nice but the software is pretty bad.

There was a time when I called OS X the best Unix desktop out there. I meant it. It was NeXT with Apple's signature polish and by version 10.4 it was good. Really good. I liked it. I recommended it.

That stopped with version 10.7 (Lion). Now I tolerate Macintosh because I have a Mac on my desk at work. That tolerance has been wearing. Mac OS X 10.7 marked the start of what I call the iOSification of OS X and the shift away from Macintosh as the digital hub. iPhone and iPad became Apple's focus, the shiny boxes that contain Apple's App Store, and that lead to OS X and Apple's bundled desktop apps looking and acting more and more like their mobile counterparts.

And then the yearly major version releases in order to maintain visual parity. That's been a disaster for Apple. Every major release of OS X from 10.7 on has been horribly bug-ridden at launch and Apple lacks the manpower to fix and test in release anything that isn't security vulnerabilities.

Rich P.
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