Hi Graham, all!

Am Montag, den 04.10.2010, 13:55 +1300 schrieb Graham Lauder:
> On Monday 04 Oct 2010 10:10:41 Charles-H. Schulz wrote:
> > Folks,
> > 
> > Let me clear so that we can move on: Unless Oracle gives us the trademark o
> > f
> > OpenOffice.org, we're using LibreOffice, and some people love it, some
> > people hate it, but as a matter of fact, we're not changing it anymore, so
> > it's useless to request a change.
> Tsk Charles, that's a rather dictatorial attitude for an Open Source project. 
> Everything should be open for discussion at all times and given that 
> LibreOffice was selected as only an interim name and until Oracle says Yay or 
> Nay it remains interim or a draft concept, then I would suggest now is the 
> best time to discuss it.  
> Document Foundation is obviously cast in stone because that is a legal entity 
> but the product name should be up for discussion right now when it's most 
> sensible.

Mmh, Charles, please don't overreact ... everybody on this list and
within this community has the right to question whether a name is
appropriate. Moreover, nobody knows if it simply came up when sipping on
a cocktail (slurp), or if somebody invested a lot of work. To all, I
think Charles is a bit stressed concerning names at the moment :-) Soon
you will know why.

However, until now I wasn't aware of Charles message. But yesterday,
I've noticed that there have been many questions and proposals
concerning the name. Maybe reasonable timing ... So I started to
summarize the "process" to agree on the "backup name" within our group
(in this case, group is the bunch of people who aim for the foundation).
I hope you will find it an interesting reading ... let me know (if not

Here is the posting:

And already on the new planet (yeah!):

Does it sound reasonable?


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