Graham Lauder wrote:
> > We don't "own" anything. We have simply started the process, and we have
> > tried to push it forward putting all our enthusiasm and energies behind
> I'm sorry, if it's offlist, then for the majority of community members it
> secret. That may not seem that way to you, but for the vast majority of t
> community it is.
> You can see how this can give the impression that we have another Sun
> situation going on, critical decisions made away from the community with a
> fait accompli handed to us on a plate.  "Here you are, like it or lump it
Yes, we're aware of that danger. Please do remind us on our
obligation to be open and transparent (see our mission statement)
anytime you see a problem.

Our excuse is that we tried to involve at least one prominent
representative from each group inside the large OOo family, and
taking their suggestions seriously.

To paraphrase Italo - we basically drafted the train, laid the first
ten meters of tracks - and now it's up to all of us to write the
future. What generally works best for each of you individually is to
actually do something - there's an abundance of stuff waiting to
be done - and she who does, usually decides. That's why we called for
a meritocracy.

> What would have been so hard about putting together something to
> post to all the lists at the same time as the press release.
> It seems there were some areas, like looking after the community,
> that were ignored. (Odd since it says "open and transparent" in
> the Vision Statement)
Hm, I thought we had quite some posts - most prominently the one on
the announce list? If you personally felt left in the dark, please
accept my apologies - there were no bad intentions, just that a few
things got dropped apparently - we're a huge community by all kinds
of measure.

> How were we to know how long this had been going on, this secret
> society, planning on the quiet.  Even now a week after the press
> were told we're only getting some info in dribs and drabs because
> some of the secret society seem to be getting a guilt attack.
What info are you missing?


-- Thorsten

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