On 06/10/10 06:50 PM, Paul A Norman wrote:
Design: 'The Office Liberaton Front"  :)

On 7 October 2010 12:51, Marc Paré<m...@marcpare.com>  wrote:
Le 2010-10-06 19:02, Roman Gelbort a écrit :
El 06/10/10 16:32, Marc Paré escribió:
We could have our own ti-dyed T-shirt with LibO on them. :-)

Oh and the pens too!
We need the artwork... someone did something?

No we are just musing. (Estamos hablando de los T-shirts solamente para


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Nice thought. I like it.
However, put that en francais...
Front d'Liberation Buereau? (FLB - apologizes for bad French)

I should point out that some may have an issue with the idea of a "Front" as it has some rather negative connotations. Also history may work against this idea (do a wiki search for FLQ to see why - I won't delve into the politics here).

Just a thought.
Scott Furry
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