On 06/10/10 07:17 PM, Marc Paré wrote:
Nice thought. I like it.
However, put that en francais...
Front d'Liberation Buereau? (FLB - apologizes for bad French)

I should point out that some may have an issue with the idea of a
"Front" as it has some rather negative connotations. Also history may
work against this idea (do a wiki search for FLQ to see why - I won't
delve into the politics here).

Just a thought.
Scott Furry

That would only work if you wore a headband, tatoos and your camouflage outfit! "It may not be pretty, but it's your swiss army knife of documents. Liberate your office! LibO!" LOL


I have to take issue with this sentiment. Applying an American-movie-styled stereotype and showing insensitivity to these situations doesn't help.

Case in point, "The October Crisis" in Canada was a water-shed moment in the 1970's where the FLQ kidnapped government officials (one of whom later died in captivity). As a result the Federal Government imposed "The War Measures Act" that effectively squashed civil rights in all of Canada. This was all before the word 'terrorism' entered are daily lexicon. Believe me when I tell you that the Separatism movement in Quebec is passionate, runs deep and something you do not want to even remotely invoke.

There are other situations around the world where such movements calling themselves 'fronts' have caused or are causing real, great harm to people. I was trying to draw your attention that any use of terms that implies a "front" or "movement" should be apolitical, culturally sensitive and demonstrate inclusiveness and change.

Yes, we live in a hyper-sensitive, touch, politically correct and knee-jerk world. It sucks. And we should be going to great lengths at not stirring that pot. Change is good, implying revolution not so much.

Scott Furry

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