Hi Thorsten, *

Am 07.10.2010 10:25, schrieb Thorsten Behrens:

I'd prefer if we do the 3.3 release in a somewhat lightweight
fashion, and add tools as we go (and decide that we need them) - I
know that the OpenOffice.org QA project has things like QATrack,
QUASTe, and TCM - but I wonder which of those pass the test of "we
really need it, and it's worth the effort to duplicate it/set it

What do you think?

I think, we are quite good prepared for the start. What is missing are some tools to collect if someone did test something at all. We might use Wiki or mailinglist for this.

For all the tools (I'd say, we need something like TCM, QUASTE to collect automated tests results and maybe QATrack), we should make sure that we keep them simple so that many people are able to work with the tools (there are many low hanging fruits for testers we should not make it complicated). That said - tehre is unfortunately nothing "ready to use" afaik.

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