Andrea Pescetti, 07-10-2010 19:46:
Thorsten Behrens wrote:
I'd prefer if we do the 3.3 release in a somewhat lightweight

As I understood from an earlier message of yours, LibreOffice 3.3 will
be heavily based on OOo 3.3 and I thus agree with the "lightweight


the QA project has things like QATrack,
QUASTe, and TCM - but I wonder which of those pass the test of "we
really need it

I actually believe that these are fundamental tools to assess quality of
a build, and that insufficient testing could mean that LibreOffice is
doomed to be "the nicer but more buggy brother of OOo" forever in the
public opinion.

Most of my friends already say OOo is too buggy. That is mainly due to the longstanding bugs of the past and some old crashes, even though we still with some annoying longstanding bugs.

That said, I strongly agreed with you here, that we should avoid shipping with severe bugs.

VLC TestTool is a great tool to assure the quality of the branches and releases. It helps avoiding regressions and makes the repetitive tasks for us.

At least, I recommend that new tests are written for any LibreOffice
specific functionality, that we have a tool to track them (kind of TCM)
and a tool to track releases (QATrack being the natural candidate here).

As far as I know, setting up QATrack for us is easy and Per said he only needs a server. That's useful and easy to set up and use, so it's a must.

Oracle's TCM is closed. So we need to analyze alternatives.
Testmaster[1] looks nice, but without easy support to test case suits among multiple languages. Testopia[2], from Mozilla, is an bugzilla extension that adds test case management capabilities to bugzilla. Most interesting, it also supports automated test scripts associated with bugs and updating test status automatically.
There are various other open source alternatives.
Testopia has some QUASTe-like features and some TCM-like features, both integrated with the bug tracking system.

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