Hi Drew, hi all,

first, I'm really looking forward to see some more activity for
LibreOffice in the US :-)

Am Donnerstag, den 07.10.2010, 12:00 -0400 schrieb Drew Jensen:
> Note for instance the name of the ML that will open US-Events, because
> when we get to talking about things that will happen in physical
> locations, then yes those locations are in the US and it is IMO good
> to have this, targeted, communication channel. 

In another thread, we had some discussion on the website structure. So I
had a look at different projects and how they organize things. To me, it
seems that some people are interested in one topic - that seems to be
like a "Special Interest Group". Those SIGs are a less formal way (in
comparison to teams) within the Fedora community to address these kind
of requests. Besides the language and the general marketing

Just a(nother) thought :-)


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