Le 2010-10-07 19:51, jonathon a écrit :
On 10/07/2010 02:57 PM, Guy Lunardi wrote:

I don't know that we any locale group should diverge from the core
Document Foundation infrastructure. As much as possible we should keep
the information concentrated and easy to get to.

Three conflicting interests here:

* The US Market;
* The Anglophone market;
* Countries where English is used;

 From my POV, one of the things that hampered OOo adoption in the United

States, was that there was not a marketing team that focused exclusively
on the US.


I think that could be said for most countries -- Canada, where I am.

I think that is what the marketing team will be looking at on the marketing mailist. If you are interested in joining the marketing team feel free to join (if you haven't already).


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