Le 2010-10-08 17:22, todd rme a écrit :
On Fri, Oct 8, 2010 at 4:53 PM, Marc Paré<m...@marcpare.com>  wrote:
Le 2010-10-08 16:47, RGB ES a écrit :

2010/10/8 Scott Furry<scott.wl.fu...@gmail.com>:

And that's why I was asking about whether it was possible to have
repositories on the documentfoundation.org servers.
Users of Debian (and its derivatives) could put "apt.documentfoundation


into their sources.list file and there would be a one-stop shop for tha
distribution to put LibO into users hands. I'm assuming rpm's and other
distribution packaging could be setup in a similar fashion. In the same
light, Windows users would have a  download source for updates.

Would this be a security headache?
Could this work for the average user?
Does this not seem a convenience for the end-user community at large?

Others could mirror this repository, but this would be the "upstream so


for both users/distributions.
Are there other factors I'm missing?

AFAIK, go-oo people maintained a yum repository. So it is possible.

Ok, I unserstand now. Similar to the KDE repos where I got my Mandriva
KDE4.5.0 uptade from. They are not maintained by Mandriva but by a KDE

Seems to make sense to me.

 From a marketing point of view, this would be in LibO's interest as the
update to LibO would then be a no brainer even from the user point of vie
Almost a form of "pushing" the LibO updates/upgrades through without havi
to go through distro packaging.

In this case, then, it would be a case of having a dedicated dev-packager
for each flavour of packaging system used by the distros.


You wouldn't necessary need one person for each packaging system.  As
I pointed out earlier, the opensuse buildservice makes it easier to
automatically build packages for many distributions at once.  It
automates much of the process, including setting up the build
environment, pulling in dependencies, building, pushing the builds to
servers, and automatically rebuilding after changes in upstream
packages.  You still need to set up the rpm spec file and whatever the
equivalent is for deb files (although you should only need one of each
total), but that is a lot easier than handling individual build
environments and servers for each distribution by hand.

It doesn't support all distributions, I know off the top of my head
that Arch and Gentoo are not supported and I am sure there are many
more, but it does handle at least Ubuntu, openSUSE/SLE,
Fedora/Redhat/CentOS, and mandriva.


Would you then have any idea if this would cause a lot of devoted dev time, part-time, full-time attention. Would LibO then have to have a dedicated dev in charge of this?


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