On 10/09/2010 06:23 PM, Scott Furry wrote:

> And as suggested by the Go-OO site, the rationale for distribution was
> to avoid some of the politics and interpretations of open source that
> can occur. Packaging to me just makes sense.


The current version of Thunderbird that is available in the Ubuntu
repostory is Thunderbird 3.1.1 is in the PPA.
The current version available from MozillaMessaging is 3.1.4

If packaging is left exclusively to the distros, what are users of those
distros to do, when the current version is not packaged by the distro?

Do you really want to people; "Sorry, we can't help you, because the
version you are using is no longer supported?", even if they are using
the most current version available from the distro repository?

I'm using Thunderbird as an example of what happens when distros don't
keep up with current versions. There are packages that have dropped out
of both the official repository, and the PPA.

OOo in the official Ubuntu repository is version 3.1. In the PPA 3.2 is

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