On 2010/10/09 10:46 AM  Florian Effenberger wrote:
Hi Larry,

Larry Gusaas wrote on 2010-10-09 18.36:

Gmane is a newsgroup. They require verification of the the sender before
they post the message. This serves the same purpose as subscribing to
this list. Any senders of spam can be removed.

It is redundant to require the user to subscribe to the mailing list in
order to post through Gmane. The page at
http://dir.gmane.org/gmane.comp.documentfoundation.discuss clearly
states "Status: posting allowed".

If subscription to the mailing list is required, it should be stated on
the Gmane page, although there is no real need to dual subscribe and
defeats the whole purpose of Gmane.

on our side, only senders who are subscribed to the list can post to it. I won't change this, as otherwise every spammer can just flood the list with emails.


Allowing posting from Gmane without subscription to this list will not allow spammers to flood the list. Gmane requires confirmation from sender for each list the sender posts to. Also any spammer can be reported and dealt with.

Perhaps you should look at Gmane spam policy 
I have not noticed any spam on the lists I follow that has been inserted through Gmane. There is no more likelihood of spam being sent through Gmane than through subscribing to this mailing list.

I follow many mailing lists through Gmane, including several OOo lists. The first time I post to any list I receive an email stating:

   "You have sent a message to be posted on the
   gmane.comp.documentfoundation.discuss newsgroup.

   Before the message is posted on the newsgroup, you have
   to confirm that you exist.  Just reply to this message, and
   the message will be posted."

After replying I receive a message:

   "You are now authorized to post to the
   gmane.comp.documentfoundation.discuss newsgroup.

   The original message you sent to the newsgroup will be
   posted within ten minutes."

Except this does not occur on this list unless I subscribe to the email list.


     Larry I. Gusaas

* Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan   Canada
Website:   http://larry-gusaas.com
"An artist is never ahead of his time but most people are far behind theirs." - 
Edgard Varese *

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