Am 09.10.2010 23:23, schrieb Scott Furry:
> As suggested, this post is intended to get the opinion of the community
> about how best to deliver LibreOffice to its users.

Maybe a new thread for the survey would be helpful to get attention from
those not following the "install" thread.

> -----------------------
> This survey is to gauge the views of the LibreOffice community on the
> install/update method of LibreOffice. Please voice your opinion so that
> these considerations may be taken into account when the LibreOffice
> method of install/update is studied by the developer team. Please
> *bottom-post* your opinions.

Me and my customers are mainly using Win XP, Vista and 7 so I'm used to
irritation/questions/complaints on the leftovers.

> How do you expect LibreOffice to be updated?

Preferrably by incremental update similar to e.g. Firefox.

> How do you Install/Update LibreOffice?

Installer download and manually removing leftover files, there have been
no updates so far.

> What do you expect when Installing/Updating LibreOffice?

It should NOT overwrite an existing OOo install and just grab the
existing user files as it happened now.

Updates should be incremental, notified and downloaded in the background
but let the user choose when to install.
Necessary files should go to a temp folder and preferably be removed by
the installer after completion.

> Other programs have separate updating programs (iTunes being an
> example), if it was technically feasible, would having a separate
> install program for LibreOffice (with updating features) be useful to you?

Yes, it could replace the extensions updater and offer a choice which
parts of LO should be updated.

> Would having a download and update site, as well as a Unix|Linux package
> repository site, be of value to you?

Certainly yes, a very useful example is

> So let's hear what you think folks?



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