Le 2010-10-14 14:26, Charles Marcus a écrit :
On 2010-10-14 10:19 AM, Andre Schnabel wrote:
Von: Charles Marcus<cmar...@media-brokers.com>
Good point... but that bandwidth usage is limited to the initial
uploads (one time per release), and the mirror updates.

I think the savings of 100+MB per download from hundreds of
thousands of downloads would trump that pretty quick... ?

No, because our problem is not bandwith but total space at the

We have enough mirrors, so that we can easily share bandwith (and
mirrorbrain ensures that downloads are spread across mirrors).

But mirrors do not offer unlimited disk space. The more disk space we
use, the less mirrors would be willing to host our binaries. (But
things may change)

Ah, I see now... thanks...

Out of curiosity, do you have mirrors set up for Canada?

Marc Paré

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