> Oracle announced that it is going to put a lot of effort in OO.org now.
>> Suppose this will happen: How do you plan to make use of Oracles
>> improvements without being forced to obeying to Oracles will and roadmap? I
>> mean if LO introduces many innovations and improvements, keeping in sync
>> with the OO.org codebase and being able to merge Oracles improvements
>> without a huge porting effort will be a hard job.
> http://www.facebook.com/libreoffice.org/posts/166628840020524
>> <http://www.facebook.com/libreoffice.org/posts/166628840020524%20>
I think the answer gonna be interesting :)


Nikola Yanev
Linux, Mac OS X & PC installing
Open Source Software support and translations
Part of Ubuntu Bulgarian Translators Team
8001 Burgas
57 "Macedonia" str. 1st floor, 2nd apartment
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