Hi Gianluca,

> Von: "Gianluca Turconi" <m...@letturefantastiche.com>

> I've read that post, but I think you're reiterating an old misconception  
> by confusing the Document Foundation with the wider LibreOffice Community.

Hmm .. so the first topic (term definition "Member") is not very clear.

I'm not speaking about members of legal entity "The Docuemnt Foundation"
but of those people who will be recognised as the community able
to influence the legal entitie's decisions.

> The Document Foundation should be like the kernel (or nucleus of a cell)  
> that pursue specific purposes (included in its Charter) that the rest of  
> the system (or cell, the Community) considers valuable and agrees to  
> support.

I tend to disagree here - while the Foundation is bound to it's charter
community should not just support the Foundation because they "like"
the Foundation, but because they can influence the way the foundation acts.

> Hypothetical example: Google Corp. develops a large chunk of code for  
> LibreOffice. It's an important contribution, of course, and Google would  
> belong to the wider LibO community, but is this big contribution enough to
> join the steering group of TDF?

No - but it enough for those people at google, who contributed this code
to be eligible for a seat in the board. And it is enough to have a
vote at board elections.

> IMO, no, because you should contribute *and* formally and publicly 
> share  TDF principles *in the past and present and facts*, in order to 
> join the foundation steering institutions.

Oh - this is written in the "basic principles":
 Members need to agree to the charter of the foundation 

Isn't this clear enough? (I just to try to understand your point) 

> Another hypothetical example: tomorrow, Microsoft CEO wakes up and says to
> TDF: "Here is a 20 million per year check in order to develop XYZ future  
> in LibreOffice, can we join TDF and its steering group?" The twenty  
> million income is surely a good thing ;-) 

Sorry, if you think, that this would establish the right to be accepted
as a "Member" you did not read the page at all :(

There is curerntly no "by in" option to become a member.

> IMVHO, a double request, contribution *and* acceptation *in the facts* of 
> the Charter's purposes, should be the base of any "membership" within TDF.

again: I tried to have exacrtly this at the basic principles


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