On Thu Oct 28 2010 14:45:36 GMT-0700 (PDT)  RGB ES wrote:
The only reason to see tab stops and other formatting codes is if you
need to *interact* with them: if you have a good set of paragraph
styles the ability to "see" tab stops and other formatting codes is
useless. So, all the concepts presented in this thread seems to be
geared towards direct formatting.
If that's the case, I'm against it.
While direct formatting *seems* to be good on two page school reports,
it is a nightmare when you need to create complex and well structured
Writer have a good tradition of tools that helps the build of complex
documents (styles, styles and more styles!).
What I would like to see instead of more direct formatting tools, is a
redesign of the way styles are defined to easy the learning curve of
new users.
Relying on styles is Writer's trademark. I think we need to give even
more power to this trademark instead of going the route of MSWord.
Just my 2 ¢


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