Has anyone considered the UI of IBM Symphony 3, its a step in the right 
direction . 
And now that most monitors have larger breath , we can use it to our advantage.

Animesh Meher

> Date: Tue, 2 Nov 2010 13:05:38 -0500
> Subject: [tdf-discuss] LibreOffice UI should be tweaked, not reinvented
> From: enderand...@gmail.com
> To: discuss@documentfoundation.org
> The OOo team has been working two years on Project Renaissance. And there is
> a long running thread here in the discuss archives of a UI prototype. While
> that particular prototype looks clean/sharp, I think all this dicussion on
> radically altering the UI is unnecessary.
> One of the advantages of LibreOffice/OOo over MS Office is that the
> interface is familiar and easy to grasp. And while the Ribbon interface has
> improved from 2007 to 2010, it is still unpopular for a reason. The core
> ideal of a dynamic interface that shows the most common features sounds good
> on paper, but occassionally you need the lesser used features and you can't
> find them. Menus still provide a familiar and easy to use method of
> organizing a large number of features.
> Given the large number of features and complexity of office suites, one
> needs to consider both use cases. Most of the time we only need a small
> number of features and we want these conveniently located. Thankfully Lo/OOo
> handles this nicely today with keyboard shortcuts and toolbar icons. And the
> laundry list of other features can be found in the drop-down menus.
> Most radical refactorings I've seen try to "clean" up the interface, but
> then hide most of the features. We're asking users to relearn a familiar
> interface, but why?
> The Office 2007/2010 interface looks nice largely due to nice use of color,
> gradients, etc. The Lo/OOo interface looks antiquated largedly due to a flat
> pallete. But the "ribbon" itself is an odd mish-mash of different sized
> icons that look like they were assembled at random.
> Honestly, if we kept the existing system of toolbars and drop-down menus,
> wouldn't most of our users be happy? If they had to re-learn a new system,
> might it just drive users to Microsoft's office suite (if you have to
> re-learn, you might as well learn the system used by the masses)?
> I truly believe the current approach works and should be maintained, but
> improved. There might be some slight tweaks in how the menus are organized.
> Toolbar defaults might be optimized. And the overall UI could be shined up
> with some gloss, new icons, gradients, spot color, etc.
> If anything, I think we should be going the opposite direction. Instead of
> chasing the Ribbon of 2007/2010, I think we should embrace the abandoned
> Office 2003 UI even more. Perhaps provide an option to all but completely
> mimic it. People forget, but Microsoft used this tactic themselves, allowing
> an option for Word users to use Wordperfect key-mappings, and provided
> specific help for Wordperfect Users trying to migrate to Word. Since we know
> most users coming to Lo/OOo are coming from Microsoft Office, shouldn't we
> do our best to ease that transition?
> It would also be considerably less work than completely redesigning the UI
> from scratch. That is more time that could be dedicated to improving the
> project in other ways.
> -- T. J. Brumfield
> "I'm questioning my education
> Rewind and what does it show?
> Could be, the truth it becomes you
> I'm a seed, wondering why it grows"
> -- Pearl Jam, Education
> -- 
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