On 02/11/10 12:05 PM, T. J. Brumfield wrote:
The OOo team has been working two years on Project Renaissance. And there is
a long running thread here in the discuss archives of a UI prototype. While
that particular prototype looks clean/sharp, I think all this dicussion on
radically altering the UI is unnecessary.
I truly believe the current approach works and should be maintained, but
improved. There might be some slight tweaks in how the menus are organized.
Toolbar defaults might be optimized. And the overall UI could be shined up
with some gloss, new icons, gradients, spot color, etc.

If anything, I think we should be going the opposite direction. Instead of
chasing the Ribbon of 2007/2010, I think we should embrace the abandoned
Office 2003 UI even more. Perhaps provide an option to all but completely
mimic it. People forget, but Microsoft used this tactic themselves, allowing
an option for Word users to use Wordperfect key-mappings, and provided
specific help for Wordperfect Users trying to migrate to Word. Since we know
most users coming to Lo/OOo are coming from Microsoft Office, shouldn't we
do our best to ease that transition?

It would also be considerably less work than completely redesigning the UI
from scratch. That is more time that could be dedicated to improving the
project in other ways.

-- T. J. Brumfield
Thanks T. J. for putting into words what I was thinking about the UI redesign.

I concur with this thinking. Why re-invent an unpopular feature. This kind of idea was brought up when OOo unveiled a ribbon-like interface. Just because we can redo the UI doesn't mean we should. Can we avoid the "bikeshedding" and "chasing after the cool kids", please?

I vote for the application of the K.I.S.S. principle.

Scott Furry

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