Quoting Michel Gagnon:

Finally, if we need to train people to the proper use of word-processing 
software, I would suggest that emphasis be
given, in order to the following "nasty" habits:
– proper use of spaces and punctuation (hyphen vs n-dash vs m-dash);
– proper use of indents and tabulations (many people still use spaces or 
default tabs in succession);
– proper use of "space before paragraph" and paragraph-chaining options such as 
"keep with next paragraph", rather than
paragraph returns in series.

The problem is to define "proper use". This is an elusive attribute with wide national and cultural differences that would be hard -- if not impossible -- to enforce. Rigidly forcing people to adhere to a "proper" usage when they have other customs would be *most* offputting. This also starts to move into the minefield of personal taste: I might prefer one style while you might prefer something quite different.


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