Hi T.J.!

Am Dienstag, den 02.11.2010, 16:27 -0500 schrieb T. J. Brumfield:
> Restructuring the menus isn't the massive drastic change many people have
> talked about. I'm fine with restructuring the menus, and encourage it.
> However, all the Renaissance mock-ups/prototypes I've seen seem to mimic the
> Ribbon UI.

What kind of specification used for implementation you talk about? All
of the mock-ups (by the core team) I know about, did include the
application menu. So this seems to be different to what you describe.

I would like to avoid the term ribbon in such discussions - if possible.
I know that many people do have mixed feelings (sometimes very strong
opinions) and sometimes require some more substantial knowledge what the
"Microsoft Fluent" concept is about. For example, most people don't know
that the often requested "live previews" part of "the ribbon". And to be
honest - it is very likely that any good interaction concept that will
be proposed will include these "live previews", too. Is this bad?

The previous paragraph was just my attempt to ask for having a look at
the core problem. Many people proposed to "clean up / reorganize the
menus" - this always sounds good, but assumes that it really works
("really" includes that it is validated with users). We tried, and we
found that there are quite inevitable limitations. So I'd like to ask
all to also consider something which might imply changes - without the
need to clone Microsoft Fluent.

That's it for now ... first, let's get a working project to continue
such thrilling discussions ;-)


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