Le 2010-11-26 13:16, David Nelson a écrit :
Hi Marc, :-)

On Sat, Nov 27, 2010 at 02:06, Marc Paré<m...@marcpare.com>  wrote:
I used the Mandriva package manager. It had all of the LibreOffice rpms
listed. Worked really well with all LO betas.

I don't know how to do this at the command line.

I'm drafting the how-to's at this second. You want to write some
instructions for Mandriva, using their package manager system, and
post them back here quickly? That way I can include those too?

TIA if so... ;-)

David Nelson

Hi David: here are the installation notes that I left on the users mailist for Mandriva:


Here are the instructions to install the Betas:

Just wanted to make note of the following. If you plan on installing the
LibreOffice v. 3.3 beta on linux, here are some steps that could help
you do an easier install if you are not used to using too much of the
console and prompt.

Install process:

Installation (based on a KDE desktop Mandriva 2010.1)

1. download LibreOffice from http://www.documentfoundation.org to your
"downloads" folder into a folder called "LibreOffice"
2. open Dolphin
3. browse to the "LibreOffice" folder in the "downloads" folder
4. right-click on the LibreOffice file and choose extract archive here
5. once extracted double-click on folder "en-Us" and then "RPMS" and
then "desktop-integration"
6. in Dolphin do F3 (this will split screen your window)
7.  click in the right window once and click on the "UP" arrow in the
main menu bar up-above in Dolphin
8. you will now have the left window "desktop-integration" and right
"RPMS" windows open
9. in the left window drag the
libreoffice3.3-mandriva-menus-3.3-XXXX.noarch.rpm file to the RPMS
window and choose "Copy" **
10. in Dolphin do F3 and use the "UP" arrow till you are back at the
level where you see the "licenses", "readme", "RPMS" folders
11. right-click on folder RPMS and choose Action-Open Konsole
12. Konsole will now open with a $
13. in Konsole do $su  (this is super user mode)
14. type in your root password
15. in Konsole do #rpm -Uvih *rpm
16. wait till all the packages have installed

-- ** for step 9. -- Note that if you are on Freedesktop drag the
corresponding file instead; if you are on RedHat drag the corresponding
file instead; if you are on Suse drag corresponding file instead

You will now have the LibreOffice v. 3.3.0 BetaX installed and in your
Mandriva menu. However, IF your KDE LibO menu items do not work. To
setup your Mandriva menu, right click on the "Mandriva" start button
(taskbar button with the star) and choose "Edit Menu". Find the
LibreOffice icon (in Office) and click on it once; the right-hand window
of the editing window will become active and choose "Command" -- click
on the folder icon and browse to the Opt/libreoffice3 etc. till you find
the right corresponding command file. Do the same for all of the other
sets of the LibreOffice icons in the start menu.

Hope this helps those who wish to try the LibreOffice v.3.3. beta.
Remember, that this is a beta and may have some hiccups along the way.
The look and feel of the suite has still not been polished.



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