
Le Wed, 12 Jan 2011 10:35:06 -0600,
Larry Gusaas <> a écrit :

> On 2011/01/12 8:49 AM  Mirek M. wrote:
> > 2011/1/12 Jonathan Aquilina<>
> >
> >> >  Why not license it under an appropriate license that would
> >> > allow us to put it in the app store? would that mean we would
> >> > need to remove the GPL or can it be dual licensed to go on the
> >> > app store?
> > I'm no expert, but as I understand it, LibreOffice is licensed
> > under the LGPL, which should allow it to be used with DRM (whereas
> > VLC was GPL). In order for LibreOffice to change its license, it
> > would need to get an OK from all its contributors, including
> > Oracle, which is not too likely to happen IMHO. But I don't think
> > that's necessary in this case.
> There is no DRM used on the Mac OS X App Store. There is DRM on the
> Apple iOS AppStore. They are two separate entities. The FSF
> objections are to the DRM on the iOS AppStore and do not apply to the
> OS X App Store. Of course, the FSF objects to Apple and any other
> company that does not give away their software for free.

There is more than the DRM issue that is stake here. We are mostly
talking about the legal terms of the store. The FSF explains it adds
more terms than what the GPL can allow. This being said Jonathan is
making an interesting point about the LGPL, we'll need to check that. 

Please let me reiterate, Larry, that the tone of our discussion on the
mailing lists should be civil. Therefore, understand that not everyone
shares your passion or interest for the Mac platform. 

Thank you,

Charles-H. Schulz
Membre du Comité exécutif
The Document Foundation.

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