Alan Reeve wrote:
On 09/02/2011 12:05, Charles Marcus wrote:
On 2011-02-09 6:12 AM, Alexander Thurgood wrote:
As to your bug correction request, you would be better off filing a bug
report at, which is where TDF has decided that all such
reports should be filed, or even better still with Oracle.
And/or the Openoffice bug tracker (shudder)...

Thank you for your suggestion. I requested OOo to improve this about 18 months ago and guess what....

As I have come to understand it, this is one of the most important reasons for the OOo/LO fork. Corporate management is who decides which bugs get exterminated, and which are ignored with corporate supported OOo. With LO, it becomes more of a case of if a volunteer developer/programmer gets annoyed by a bug, or enough users complain about it, it gets fixed.

I myself only use Writer, if I get time I might use Base to make a database of my DVD movie collection, but I am not likely to use any of the other modules. As a very heavy user of Writer, I make extensive use of word completion, but I have known for years that this feature could be much better with a few small changes like, a few choices in its control menu, like have a PERMANENT dictionary where gather words could be turned off, and the program would use a permanent dictionary, or a change where strings containing all caps, punctuation marks other than ' apostrophe (in English) or numerals would never be added to the completion dictionary. I have seen several improvements to this feature over the years, but never really important ones.

One really BIG improvement that needs to be made is so that upgrades consist of patches rather than complete replacement of the program. This would be a HUGE improvement for all those people who do not have access to high-speed internet connections. It is because of the extreme inconvenience of such upgrading methods that I choose to only upgrade for MAJOR upgrades like when LO 4.0 comes out. I just don't think it is worth all the trouble for incremental upgrades like from 3.2 to 3.3.

Note: I know that the use of all caps is considered bad form, but I find that many email systems can't properly handle boldface.

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