On 09/02/2011 16:16, Charles Marcus wrote:
On 2011-02-09 9:28 AM, Alan Reeve wrote:
On 09/02/2011 12:05, Charles Marcus wrote:
On 2011-02-09 6:12 AM, Alexander Thurgood wrote:
As to your bug correction request, you would be better off filing a bug
report at freedesktop.org, which is where TDF has decided that all such
reports should be filed, or even better still with Oracle.
And/or the Openoffice bug tracker (shudder)...

Thank you for your suggestion.  I requested OOo to improve this about 18
months ago
On their email list? Or did you open an actual bug/feature request?

and guess what....
Wouldn't surprise me that it was ignored even if you did do it via the
bug tracker, but if you didn't, then there is NO way it will every get
done... and same goes for LibO - you have to open an actual trackable
request, not just send an email...

Hi there

Thanks for comments. Yes, I did follow all the OOo procedures. But nothing happened.

FYI, the OOo track was: http://www.openoffice.org/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=107476


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