Dear good gods alive no! :eave the HTML to proper HTML IDE tools like
Eclipse and don't try to be everything in one package.

On 26/04/2011 22:48, e-letter wrote:
>> I think this is a very interesting issue. We are moving from the dominant
>> technologies that were designed to put information on paper to the dominant
>> need of presenting information on screens. With the revolution in digital
>> readers this is only going to increase and then what relevance has document
>> formats that are primarily designed to target hard copy output? If odf does
>> not adapt it will become obsolete.
> Seems to suggest that LO should become some sort of html (or any other
> electronic format) editor?
>> I am constantly irritated by having to download pdfs, .docs and so on when
>> all I want to do is view the information without cluttering up my download
> May I suggest to use the 'load url' bar to read documents directly on
> the web? As for pdf documents, evince can open directly from the url
> when activated via the command terminal

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