On Jun 7, 2011, at 7:04 PM, NoOp wrote:

> Repeat.
> On 06/06/2011 06:05 PM, NoOp wrote:
>> On 06/04/2011 05:10 PM, Jim Jagielski wrote:
>> ...
>>> Whether OOo lives or dies in Apache, Oracle has made it abundantly
>>> clear that this is it... This is one promise I fully expect Oracle
>>> will keep :/
>> Interesting...
>> Could you clarify that statement?
>> 1. @ASF: What happens to OOo if ASF votes *not* to accept the OOo
>> project into the incubator? And it that is the case, what happens to the
>> OOo software that has been granted to the ASF by Oracle?
> ...
> Was it your intention to pop into this list with:
>> Hello!
>> I have also just subscribed to both discuss@ and steering-discuss@
>> in hopes that if there are questions here regarding OOo, LOo, TDF
>> and the ASF, I can respond. I'm also here to also ask that if
>> you feel more comfortable emailing me directly, that is fine
>> as well.
> and no longer respond to questions?
> The questions are, IMO, valid and are important - both for OOo and TDF/LO.

Sorry I did not reply to this email in a timely manner... although I
have replied to others, I did not have time to answer this one;
I have been traveling and am at a conference and so sincere
apologies for taking 2 days to reply.

I think that should OOo not be approved as an incubator podling,
then there are 3 main options.

The first is that the ASF could refuse the grant, at which point
they would remain Oracle property. I think that some people would
want to do that; the ASF is not in the business of accepting stuff
that it has no intention of using.

The 2nd is that the ASF accept the grant and simply place the
tarball on a server somewhere and say "here it is." The ASF
would let the OOo trademark die.

The 3rd would be that the ASF would donate the code and the trademark
to someone else; there is no guarantee that it would be to TDF or
anyone else to TDFs liking, since we have no idea who it would be
or could be donated to.

I will say that it is unfortunate that there is sooo much distrust
on both sides, because it really prevents us from having the type
of open and honest discussions required. There are people who see
TDF's resistance to working with the ASF as a simple ploy to get
the ASF to donate the code (and trademark) to them, acting for what
seems as what is in their best interest, rather than the best interest
of the community in general. Same as those who see the ASF as more
interested in "taking over" than in working with people.

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