----- Original Message ----
> From: Simon Phipps <si...@webmink.com>
> To: discuss@documentfoundation.org
> Sent: Thu, June 9, 2011 5:56:38 PM
> Subject: Re: [tdf-discuss] Re: [Libreoffice] Proposal to join Apache 
> On 9 Jun 2011, at 19:47, Simon Brouwer wrote:
> > Anyway, I think it  is high time that TDF be made a foundation proper. 
>Suppose Oracle had considered  donating the OpenOffice.org trademarks and 
>copyrights to TDF. How could it be the recipient of such a  donation if it 
>didn't exist as a legal entity?
> Really easily. Either the  current legal entity by which TDF will be 
>incorporated, Freies Office  Deutschland eV, could accept the donation, or the 
>US agent retained by them,  Software in the Public Interest (SPI) could accept 
>it on their behalf (as will  still be the case once TDF is incorporated - TDF 
>will not need a US subsidiary  in order to accept donations, because of SPI).
> Time for this "does not  exist" meme to end, it is baseless and it is 
> unhelpful 
>to perpetuate it after so  many people have explained that fact.

You know, usually when an organization (such as TDF) is legally owned by  
another organization you list it at the bottom of the web-page where  you are 
stating information about copyright, trademarks, etc - e.g. TDF  is a wholly 
owned by FroDEV.
As it is, looking over TDF's website, the only place I can really find  any 
information related to FroDEV is on through the link by "Impressum (Legal 
Info)", not in the text next to it, not on the contact info, not on the link 
describing the "Foundation".
To me, that says TDF at minimum trying to distance itself from FroDEV -  not 
necessarily your intention, but that's how it comes across. It also  doesn't 
give confidence that TDF is a legal entity or owned by a  signular legal entity 
as you are stating.

Clearly marking the website, signatures, etc. for TDF would probably go a long 
ways in helping to end that conversation.



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