Dear all,

after formally announcing my candidacy on the steering-discuss mailing
list, here are a few more details about me to give you a better picture.

Who am I?

I am Bjoern Michaelsen, and have been working on the codebase of
Libreoffice since 2008. I started as a developer on the
team of Sun/Oracle, and "switched sides" in February 2011 by joining
Canonical. Since then I am responsible for the Libreoffice releases on
Ubuntu (actually right from the first official release of Libreoffice
with Ubuntu on Natty) and in addition do my part on the Libreoffice
project by both being a member of the engineering steering commitee and
by code contributions.

What motivates me to work for TDF?

I made an active choice to join Libreoffice and TDF when
was still around at Oracle. I believe Libreoffice is the most promising
effort in challenging the status quo of desktop market shares [1] and a
vital part of a full open source desktop that does not need to shy from
any competition.

What will I be doing, should I get elected?

TDF and the Libreoffice project have already come a long way since their
birth less than a year ago. As a developer I will represent that part
of the community, but I will also try to help grow the channels of
communication between developers and other parts of the project. Being
responsible for the complete product on the Ubuntu platform, I firmly
believe all parts of the project are not only important, but also need
a shared vision of what needs to be accomplished to create an even
better product.

If there are any questions, dont hesitate to ask!





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