Le Wed, 8 Feb 2012 09:04:34 -0800 (PST),
Pedro <pedl...@gmail.com> a écrit :

> Hi again Charles
> Charles-H.Schulz wrote
> > 
> > What this thread says -and I took the time not to just look at
> > the thread but at the other areas of the project as well- is that
> > developers listen to user feedback. And that's probably a good
> > thing to do although some people might disagree (cf. Henry Ford);
> > yet listening to user feedback hardly makes up a democracy. It's
> > user feedback. In some cases it might be a case of "nice customer
> > service". But it does not help that much. I'll explain myself. 
> > 
> Let's see. The developer is asking the community who is using a given
> feature (which he states would prefer to drop). Yet he subjects this
> to an open poll (not even limited to the registered forum users) and
> he is willing to accept the opinion of the majority. If that is not a
> democracy, it's damn close!
> How is that even similar to meritocracy? Meritocracy would be: I'm the
> developer, I don't have time for this so I'm dropping it. If some one
> else wants to keep developing it, just do it.
> I'm not arguing that all those projects that you pointed do not
> follow the same logic (I'm not saying this is a TDF / LO exclusive).
> I'm just showing you that other FOSS projects can be (and some are!)
> democratic.

hmm, then I don't agree with your qualification of democratic. You have
similar polls in supermarkets. But supermarkets are no democracies. A
democracy means a democratic structure, not a consumer/plebeian
feedback process, no matter how effective it is.

Charles-H. Schulz
Member of the Board of Directors,
The Document Foundation.

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