On 02/08/2012 06:17 AM, Pedro wrote:
> In any case I managed to hack the Tango theme and replace the new icons with
> the old ones (BTW someone forgot to update the saveastemplate icons in the
> new Theme ;) )
> You can't use your old tango theme from 3.4.x because the folder structure
> has been changed between versions.
> So, if anyone is interested, it's freely available here
> http://dl.dropbox.com/u/2347109/images_tango.zip

What distrurbs me is that the new LO "Tango" icons do not follow the
standard base Tango theme. As I pointed out in the other thread:

The freedesktop.org Icon Theme Specification defines a 'document-save'
icon as: "document-save The icon for the save action. Should be an arrow
pointing down and toward a hard disk."
The new LO "Tango" theme does not follow this specification, and instead
uses a non-Tango icon: a down arrow pointing to an open file cabinet drawer.

You'll find that if you/LO actually download and check the
'document-save' icons in:
it is an arrow pointing down and toward a hard disk.

Other applications, and the desktop (GNOME), that I use adhere to the
base Tango theme. I fail to understand why LO insists on bastardizing
the theme and still calling it "Tango". Even the LO icon name fails to
follow the freedesktop.org naming convention of 'document-save', and
instead LO have kept the name used in Ooo: lc_save.png.

If you want the floppy, use the default Galaxy theme:
Tools|Options|LibreOffice|View|Icon size and style: Glalaxy (default).

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